Mr Gordana Ristin, sudija Apelacionog suda Ljubljana, Slovenija

Appeal Court Judge

Head of ADR Devision Appeal Court of Ljubljana, Slovenia,

President of Slovenian Association of Mediators

Gordana Ristin is  Judge of the Appel Court in Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia since 1995. She started her career as lawyer in Insurance Company Triglav in Ljubljana in 1980. Than in 1986 she was eleced judge. She is also mediator from 2001  (finished more than 200 mediations) and the trainer for mediators.  She is the  President of the Slovenien Association of mediators.  She was the nacional coordinator in Seemf, the char for 2 years,  and is the member of the board of EMNI and the member of Gemme and CIMJ. She has published widely in the field of civil justice, insurance law and mediation. She condacted the first environmental mediation in Slovenia. She finished Law School in Ljublajna and magistrated from ARD. She is teaching ADR at European Law School in Nova Gorica from 2015.

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